Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. univ. Herwig Schmidinger

Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. univ. Herwig Schmidinger

Faculty Medicine
E-mail herwig.schmidinger@med.sfu.ac.at
Location Vienna

Field of work

Chair of Rhythmology


Doctorate in 1977 at the University of Vienna. 1982 Award of the Ius practicandi, followed by a one-year study visit to Guy`s Hospital London with training in invasive electrophysiology. 1989/1991 Specialist in internal medicine/cardiology. 1992 awarded venia docendi, since 1997 associate professor at the University of Vienna. From 1994, set-up and management
of the working group for rhythmology with a focus on invasive electrophysiology (> 4400 interventions) and implantable defibrillators at Vienna General Hospital. 1988, 1993, 1997 and 2000 awarded the Austrian Cardiologist, Rhythmologist and State Prize of the Federal Ministry of Health. Over 100 publications as first, co- and senior author.