Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. univ. Tadeusz Peter Panhofer, MSc, MBA

Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. univ. Tadeusz Peter Panhofer, MSc, MBA

Faculty Medicine
E-mail peter.panhofer@med.sfu.ac.at
Location Vienna

Field of work

Chair of Complementary Medicine with a focus on Traditional Chinese Medicine


Univ.-Prof. Dr. Panhofer, born 9.9.1977, is medical director of the MedOstWest Centre in Vienna and board member of the Austrian Society for Acupuncture (ÖGA). For many years he was vice-president of MedChin (Medical Society for Chinese Health Care in Austria). After numerous training courses (ÖÄK diploma for acupuncture, ÖÄK diploma for Chinese diagnostics & medicinal therapy, Qi Gong diploma, master's degree in TCM) and instructive stays abroad in Psychosocial metabolic syndrome, TCM, acupuncture Page 16from 25 Chengdu, China and the University Hospital of Bern, he is enthusiastically involved in TCM teaching and research. After his Venia Docendi in surgery and his move to the position of Scientific Coordinator of the IFSO-certified Obesity Centre at the Krankenhaus Göttlicher Heiland Vienna, his focus is on the evidence-based TCM treatment of Psychosocial Metabolic Syndrome.