Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. univ. Philip Eisenburger, MBA

Faculty Medicine
E-mail Philip.Eisenburger@med.sfu.ac.at
Location Vienna

Field of work

Chair of Emergency Medicine


After studying in Vienna (1992- 1998) with guest stays in New York and Pittsburgh, Dr. Philip Eisenburger completed his training as a specialist in internal medicine (2008), intensive care medicine (2011) and cardiology (2010) at the University Department of Emergency Medicine
(Medical University of Vienna) and at the Wilhelminenspital Vienna. In 2007 he
obtained the venia docendi in the field of resuscitation research. In 2013-2016, he
headed the Department of Emergency Medicine at the Wilhelminenspital Vienna.
Since 2016, he is Head of the Department of Emergency Medicine at Floridsdorf
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