Poster Sessions
Cultural Psychology
Master Class

Everyone welcome!

SFU students, staff members and guests are invited to visit the
Cultural Psychology Master Class‘ Poster Session
on July 7th, 10th and 11th 2023.
Come anytime between 10 am and 2 pm!

Program for Friday, July 7th
10 a.m. to 2 p.m. – Hörsaal 3

  • Internalized Stereotypes: Male Narratives on Substance Use & Mental Health – Nic Eischen
  • LGBTQ+ Aware Psychology? – Sophie Schilberz & Onno Feldgen
  • Exploring Emotional Dynamics in Focus Groups: Cis Male Participants & Cis Female Reseachers – Johanna Kuke & Johanna Grothe
  • Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) in Young Women – Sophia-Tanka Lozanov & Henriette Riebe
  • Gender Stereotypes and Upbringing: A Positioning Analysis – Svea Rotsolk
  • Body Mapping: Embodied Feelings in Queer Spaces – Louisa Samuel & Johanna Würzburger
  • Female Migration? – Melanie Papas
  • Imprisonment and Agency – Rabia Colak

Navigating Cultural Borders: A Micro-genetic Analysis of Russian-Speaking Ukrainians‘ Encounters with Ukrainian Poetic LegacyAleksandra Martyniuk & Lisa Leitsmann

Department Psychology
Sigmund Freud University Berlin
Campus Tempelhof
Columbiadamm 10, Tower 9
12101 Berlin – Tempelhof

Tel.: +49(0)30 695 797 28-0